Our Projects

Make a Donation
We welcome monthly donations of £5 by standing order. you may set it up using our bank details or if you prefer, print the standing order mandate and send it to us with the gift aid form.
You could also make monthly donations with Paypal

Orphans are among the most vulnerable people and need our help and support the most. CFG has been supporting existing orphanages to provide better care for hose already admitted, and to expand their capacity to care for more orphans.

Disability and Medical Assistance
CFG is providing wheelchairs and other mobility assistance to physically disabled people who are often seen as a burden on their families.

We are aiming to organise medical camps, especially after natural disasters such as floods and cyclones, offering free access to doctors and basic medicines.

Income Generation
CFG is looking to fund small income generation schemes which allow people to earn a living by setting up and running small businesses. This allows people to take positive steps towards getting out of poverty, through hard work and initiative.

Such schemes also help restore dignity and self-worth - something that people often lack when they have to rely on handouts to sustain themselves.

We are hoping to expand this project in order to help more people become self-reliant.

Women's Training
We have been helping widows and other disadvantaged women to learn new skills which will enable them to earn a living.

We currently sponsor a school in Bangladesh, where poor children are provided with free basic education.

In addition, we are also providing books and other educational resources to schools in Bangladesh, and scholarships to outstanding children from poor families who would otherwise not have the chance to attend school.

Clean Water
Access to clean drinking water can prevent many diseases, especially among children. This is why CFG is working to provide clean water to those who have no access to it, mainly in the form of tube wells.

Disaster Relief
CFG is providing aid and assistance to people all over the world who have been affected by natural disasters.

Charity Registration Number 1150115
+44 (0)7507570536