Make a Donation

Make a Donation
We welcome monthly donations of £5 by standing order. you may set it up using our bank details or if you prefer, print the standing order mandate and send it to us with the gift aid form.
You could also make monthly donations with Paypal

'Raise funds for CFG when you shop online. All you have to do is visit search for 'change for good-feed the poor in developing countries' and start shopping. When you shop the retailers on average give us between 1-3% of whatever you spend.'


If you would like to help us in our efforts to help the poor and needy people of the world, please make a donation and show them that you care.

You can make a donation now online, by post, bank transfer, over the phone or directly into our bank account.

Direct Deposit/Bank Transfer
If you wish to make a donation directly into our bank account, please use the following details:

Bank Name: HSBC
Account name: CFG
Sort Code: 40-01-04
Account No: 81780808

By Text

'Text Donation' type: cfgh01 ( £ amount), send to 70070.

By Post
If you wish to make a donation by check, please make it payable to 'CFG' and post it to:

304 Commercial Road

If you wish to make a donation over the phone using a credit or debit card, please call +44 (0) 7507576536

You can make a donation now by clicking on Paypal Donate button above on the left. This service is free to use and feature high levels of security.

Charity Registration Number 1150115
+44 (0)7507570536